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Amid Recalls, Brewers Urged to Scrutinize Their Canning

Greater demand for cans, and wider varieties of beer and canning materials, are leading to greater potential for issues.

Brewing Industry Guide Staff Jan 7, 2020 - 3 min read

Amid Recalls, Brewers Urged to Scrutinize Their Canning Primary Image

A series of recent beer recalls has prompted the Brewers Association to offer new guidance to its members, recommending greater scrutiny of canned beers and canning processes.

Canned-beer sales are growing, while bottled beer is slowing. For America’s craft brewers (as defined by the BA), sales data suggest that the volume of beer sold in cans is likely to surpass the volume of beer sold in bottles sometime this year. Meanwhile, more of the country’s 8,000-plus breweries will follow perceived customer demand for canned beer.

Our recent Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® Best in Beer reader survey also found surging interest in canned beer, especially in the 16 oz format, over the past three years. Meanwhile, our readers’ interest in buying 12 oz bottles has dropped each year since 2017.

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