Industry All Access Exclusive

Under the Microscope: These Yeast Strains Are Powerlifters Now

One way that yeast labs are developing new strains is a method called adaptive lab evolution, which avoids genetic modification while aiming for specific traits sought by brewers—such as greater tolerance to alcohol, or to terpenes. Here’s how it works.

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Drinking Trends: Is the Beer Cellar Dead?

Besides homebrewing, it’s the way that some of us got into craft beer in the first place—collecting, saving, and (usually) sharing bottles that would be kept in the cellar. But the culture has shifted, and the industry has shifted with it.

Industry All Access Exclusive

The Year of “More”: Hemp-Derived THC Drinks Are Booming (for Now)

In roughly half the United States, a growing number of hemp-based THC products are finding customers, often in a regulatory vacuum. There are opportunities there for small breweries—but there are also plenty of questions yet to be resolved.

Infographic: The Craft Brewery Bubble?

Here's a fresh look at the growth in the number of breweries in the United States—growth that’s been leveling off, recently—with some other data points for context.

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Industry All Access Exclusive

The Art, Science, and Business of Wood-Aged Beers with New Belgium’s Lauren Woods Limbach

From forecasting your foeders to flavoring with fruit, New Belgium’s wood-cellar director and master blender Lauren Woods Limbach shares the expertise she’s amassed over more than two decades of running a successful, large-scale wood-aging program.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Breakside’s Guide to Institutional Beer Quality

Ben Edmunds, cofounder and brewmaster of Breakside Brewing in Portland, Oregon, shares his insights on how to build and maintain a methodical quality program that can take your brewery’s beers from consistently good to consistently excellent.

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Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: Getting to Know You

By making direct connections with farmers, wherever they are, brewers can improve the quality and variety of hops they get—even at the smallest breweries.

Case Study: Templin Family Wins with Patient Pours, Big Foam, and a Warm Welcome

Utah’s liquor laws are less than ideal for its craft brewers, who make plenty of great beer anyway. Some of the best in recent years is coming from a small, lager-centric outfit about 10 minutes from the airport. Going there for a visit? Welcome to the family.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Never Mind the Beer Fest, What About the Rest?

Beer festivals aren’t the only kinds of events where small breweries can raise their profiles and win over new customers. From local fundraisers and art shows to major music festivals, here are some tips on identifying events and getting the most out of them.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Old Strains, New Flavors: Biotransformation in Lager Yeast

Recent research into a handful of near-forgotten yeast strains reveals the potential for more distinctive hop-forward lagers.

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Success on the Singles Scene: Best Practices for Benchtop Seamers

One of the most convenient packaging options for small, draft-focused breweries also happens to be fraught with shelf-life issues. Yet benchtop can seamers have their fans, and they have advantages, too. Here’s how to do it right.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Riding the Rollercoaster of Seasonal Demand

Keeping a brewhouse running efficiently is an even taller order when tourism and weather create major demand swings throughout the year. Here’s how breweries manage production through the seasonal ups and down.

Case Study: Maine Beer Stays the Course

Without wavering from its core beers or mission, this 15-year-old brewery is enjoying steady growth and planning for more. Here’s what its team has learned about the merits of staying true to the principles that got them there. (It helps when people are always ready for Lunch.)

Industry All Access Exclusive

Taking Advantage of Custom Malt

Developing a malt especially for your brewery takes some planning, but there are potential benefits—such as nailing a target flavor within your process, making beer from truly local grain … or just the fun of finding out what it tastes like.

Infographic: Shipment Status Pending

The double standard around shipping alcohol across state lines continues unabated in 2024, as breweries have yet to find parity with wineries in regard to state laws that limit interstate shipments.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Zero to Hero: Putting Wanted Flavors Back into NA Beers

Even beyond hop aroma and flavor, researchers have identified a number of ways that advanced hop products and related offerings can help nonalcoholic beer taste more like the real thing.

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