
Craft Beer M&A Update: Perception vs. Reality

At the start of a new year and in the midst of a turbulent, tumultuous time in the U.S. craft-beer industry, it’s a good idea to check in on some of the perceptions and realities of craft-brewery mergers and acquisitions.

The Many Reasons Breweries Have to Close

Increased competition, slowed growth, and other market forces can conspire to expose weaknesses in otherwise successful breweries. Make corrections early to avoid becoming a craft-beer casualty.

Planning for Uncertainty

Brewery owners do the best they can with what data they have when forecasting production and expansion projects, but sometimes projections fall short. Here are several strategies and considerations to make sure you're covered.

Making Sense of Dollars In and Dollars Out

Calculating and keeping close track of the total costs that go into each unit of beer sold help brewery owners better understand the health and efficiency of their operations