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Tips on Surviving the Winter Lull

It’s the toughest time of year for beer—cold weather, health kicks, and lots of people just staying home. For breweries barely hanging in there, these months can be a knockout blow. From a variety of voices in the industry, here are some ideas about how to make it work until spring.

Courtney Iseman Jan 29, 2024 - 13 min read

Tips on Surviving the Winter Lull Primary Image

Photo: Courtesy Dovetail Brewery

As usual, the first couple of months of the new year can be a harsh 180° from the taproom-filling merriment of the holiday season. And what’s always a tough season for breweries has only been getting tougher in recent years, as the growing popularity of Dry January joins bad weather and the longer-running tradition of resolutions aimed at fitness and finances.

Anyone can relate to commitments made for personal health and wealth, but that doesn’t make the season easier for taprooms and other hospitality-focused businesses—especially in the wider context of a tightening beer market.

Finding success in these months takes real reflection on what works for your business—and it takes some imagination, too. Here, breweries that have found some success despite the lull share suggestions on how to survive these cold, quiet nights, so you can thrive the rest of the year.

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