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Are Soluble Hop Products Set to Disrupt Craft Brewing?

In the second of a three-part series focusing on hop products that weren’t available to 20th century brewers, Stan Hieronymus examines a few of the many alternatives that may boost the bottom line as well as help ensure aroma and flavor quality.

Stan Hieronymus Jul 25, 2022 - 11 min read

Are Soluble Hop Products Set to Disrupt Craft Brewing? Primary Image

John I. Haas recently introduced its post-filtration haze product, HopHaze. Photo: Courtesy John I. Haas.

First, Jim Boyd pops the cap on a bottle of Pacifico.

He pours a couple of ounces into a small cup.

“That’s the base,” he says. It is bright, light bodied, and it has little aroma.

He squeezes a few drops from a vial. “How much mouthfeel do you want?” he asks. This addition certainly adds texture.

He pours another, adding drops from a second vial. This sample is hazy.

Once again, he fills a cup, adding a few drops from a third vial. The result smells and tastes of New World hops.

Then he combines the three pours. The blend doesn’t taste like Other Half HDHC Dense, but compared to Pacifico, it is a good-sized step in that direction.

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