Relying on the spot market is no reason to accept hops that don’t meet your brewery’s standards. Here are tips from the hop-sensory pros on making sure you get the traits and quality you need.
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Hops vary from farm to farm, lot to lot, and year to year—but few variables have as much influence on the final aroma and flavor of the hops as when they’re harvested. Stan Hieronymus explains the developing science.
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Observers report that smoke taint from wildfires may be less of issue than it was in 2020, while many varieties are having excellent crop years. One notable up-and-comer: Zappa.
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Despite early warnings of climate change—with all its potential for volatility and disasters—growers in the Pacific Northwest say they may have a record harvest this year.
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New hop-derived products for aroma and flavor are appearing faster than brewers can learn how best to use them. Stan Hieronymus is here with a primer.
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Here’s how new yeasts are taking advantage of genetic editing and modification to free up thiols—not only in hops, but also in barley malt—for more expressive tropical aromas and flavors.
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Knowing the aroma compounds that better survive the brewing process—and how best to use those that don’t—can help brewers get more from their hop additions and blends.
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In this ongoing series that looks at hop-related issues that will matter to brewers in the years to come, Stan Hieronymus spotlights the need to think ahead when it comes to securing the future of some valued hops from the past.
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After years of research, brewer-led efforts to develop more exotic, expressive hop varieties that anyone can plant are beginning to sprout.
Industry All Access Exclusive
Terroir in hops is real. Even the same varieties grown in nearby fields can wind up with different attributes, and beloved varieties can vary from farm to farm and lot to lot. Some drinkers are interested, too—and might pay a premium.