Infographic: The Craft Brewery Bubble?

Here's a fresh look at the growth in the number of breweries in the United States—growth that’s been leveling off, recently—with some other data points for context.

Jamie Bogner Sep 5, 2024 - 1 min read

Infographic: The Craft Brewery Bubble? Primary Image

In our inaugural issue of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® 10 years ago, and again in 2016 and 2018, we plotted graphs like the ones below to parse out the concept of a craft-beer “bubble”—the idea that the number of breweries, at some point, would prove unsustainable and begin to drop.

Here, we’ve refreshed the data, to better visualize how the situation looks today.

Data sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. TTB, Brewers Association, German Brewers Federation, Zythos, ACSA