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News & Analysis: Election Over (Bring on the Inauguration Beers)

Whether you would rather forget about the past four years, the election itself, or the bizarre and interminable period that followed the election, it would seem that we all could use a beer.

Joe Stange Dec 12, 2020 - 3 min read

News & Analysis: Election Over (Bring on the Inauguration Beers) Primary Image

Photo Courtesy CBIES/Shutterstock

Sir, This Is a Brewery: In an indication of how closely watched the U.S. election was abroad, the first brewery to jump on the name Four Saisons Total Landscaping is Rascals, based in Dublin, Ireland.

Biden Beer: In northern Wisconsin, Minocqua Brewing announced the release of its Biden Beer. Earlier this year, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, county officials threatened to sue the brewpub because its Biden campaign sign out front was too large. Brewery owner Kirk Bangstad promptly started a #freeourbidensign campaign and sold T-shirts to help pay for the expected fines. When those fines never happened, Bangstad—who recently lost a Wisconsin Assembly election to a Republican incumbent—told the Sentinel that he planned to donate the money to progressive causes. Bangstad describes the Kölsch-style ale as “inoffensive and not too bitter.”

Trump Beer: Chicago’s Latino-owned 5 Rabbit Cervecería re-released its popular blonde ale, Chinga Tu Pelo—which is Spanish for “fuck your hair.” The can art features a coif similar to that sported by the outgoing president. As the story goes, 5 Rabbit originally brewed the beer exclusively for the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago. Then Donald Trump, still a presidential candidate, made statements that likened Mexican immigrants to criminals and rapists. The next morning, 5 Rabbit called Trump Tower and canceled the arrangement. Within days, they had rechristened the beer. Proceeds have gone toward legal services for Latino immigrants and urban renewal projects. “The protest isn’t over,” the brewery says.

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Joe Stange is Managing Editor of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® and the Brewing Industry Guide®. Have story tips or suggestions? Contact him at [email protected].