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Shipping Beer Straight to Drinkers: Greater potential on the horizon

State laws often stand in the way of direct-to-customer shipping. Perhaps not for long.

Joe Stange Sep 13, 2019 - 10 min read

Shipping Beer Straight to Drinkers: Greater potential on the horizon Primary Image

Beer drinkers are hard to please these days. This is the on-demand era, when people widely assume they should be able to get whatever they want, when they want it—if they have money and the Internet.

Why shouldn’t it be the same with beer?

Artisans of all sorts are able to hawk their wares online and reach customers directly, getting them what they want in as soon as a day or two with minimal fuss. Even wineries, in many places, are able to ship cases directly to customers.

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Joe Stange is Managing Editor of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine® and the Brewing Industry Guide®. Have story tips or suggestions? Contact him at [email protected].