Stan Hieronymus

Stan Hieronymus

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly News from Harvest 2022

Northern Hemisphere harvests are down, with Saaz hit the hardest. Weather disruptions are on the rise, and so are costs, making long-term planning essential. In the short-term, it may be a year of substitutions—especially for lagers.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: Making the Phantasm Corporeal

In the last of a three-part series focused on hop-related products that weren’t available to 20th century brewers, Stan Hieronymus examines the potential of a powder made from grape skins.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Are Soluble Hop Products Set to Disrupt Craft Brewing?

In the second of a three-part series focusing on hop products that weren’t available to 20th century brewers, Stan Hieronymus examines a few of the many alternatives that may boost the bottom line as well as help ensure aroma and flavor quality.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: Can I Show You Something in a Pellet?

In the first of a three-part series focusing on hop products that weren’t available to 20th-century brewers, Stan Hieronymus zooms in on all the potential of a pellet.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: What’s New, Post-CBC Edition

As usual, the recent Craft Brewers Conference was a chance for hop suppliers to unveil new products and projects relevant to brewers—pelletized wet hops, concentrated Nelson Sauvin, the arrival of Luminosa, the hop harvests Down Under, and more.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Let’s Go, Let’s Show, Let’s Rodeo: Lessons in Fresh Hopping

Fresh-hopped beers are becoming an increasingly viable option for breweries located far from harvest. Here are lessons from some wet-hop veterans on using the fresh, the green, and the unkilned.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Ready to Tango? New Hop Varieties on the Way

From Anchovy to Vista, here are some interesting hop cultivars on the immediate horizon—plus a couple of experiments that may be the next to get names.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: Looking Ahead at Demand & Supply

While hop harvest commences in the Southern Hemisphere, field work is already under way on many hop farms in the North. Here are some things that brewers should know about the season to come.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops for the Future: What Does It Mean When a Hop Farm Gives Up on Cascade?

In this first installment of a series focusing on the long-term outlook for hops—and issues likely to affect brewers beyond 2022—Stan Hieronymus considers hop stunt viroid, as well as the future of the hop upon which American craft was built.

Learning the Love Language: How Even the Smallest Breweries Can Evaluate Their Hops

Relying on the spot market is no reason to accept hops that don’t meet your brewery’s standards. Here are tips from the hop-sensory pros on making sure you get the traits and quality you need.