
The Beer Ticker: Industry News & Notes

From our upcoming Spring issue of the Brewing Industry Guide, here’s a roundup of some recent news, notes, and announcements from around the industry.

A Small Brewery’s Guide to Influencer Marketing

You see them on TikTok and Instagram, posing or even lip-syncing while proudly showing off a can of another brewery’s beer. Who are these people? Should you engage or avoid? And what’s the ROI?

Industry All Access Exclusive

What’s Going on in There? Looking at the Tech that Looks into Your Fermentors

Devices that monitor fermentation in real time and apps that make data analysis a snap can help improve quality and output. They can also save breweries money, reducing the chances for error.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Bubbling Up: Hop Water Is on the Rise

In demand and on trend, hop water is proving to be a low-effort, high-reward offering for many small breweries.

Campaign Invites Brewers Worldwide to Brew in Solidarity with Ukraine

Led by Ukraine’s first Cicerone, an international effort aims to rally brewers and drinkers to raise funds for humanitarian relief.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Old Malt, New Tricks: Adding Flavor and Interest with Heritage Varieties

Some brewers are turning to heritage barley varieties for malts that can add new character to their beers—and attract new fans.

Bestmalz Invites Your Best Alts to Germany

The Heidelberg-based maltster is inviting brewers around the world to brew an altbier with Bestmalz ingredients and enter their competition.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Hops Insider: Looking Ahead at Demand & Supply

While hop harvest commences in the Southern Hemisphere, field work is already under way on many hop farms in the North. Here are some things that brewers should know about the season to come.

Infographic: Ship It!

While the pandemic has led to a general loosening of restrictive Prohibition-era laws regarding beer for takeaway and delivery, there’s still plenty to do to liberalize the United States’ antiquated approach to alcohol regulation.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Capitalizing on E-Commerce: Don’t Overlook the Alcohol Marketplaces

Online alcohol marketplaces such as Drizly and Instacart aren’t just for big beer. Here’s how craft suppliers can work with retailers to boost sales on these platforms.