
Industry All Access Exclusive

The Stovepipe Challenge: Weighing 19.2 Fluid Ounces of Opportunity and Risk

Much of the growth in convenience-store beer coolers is in the form of large, single-serve packages—but that doesn’t make the stovepipe a sure bet for all breweries.

Q&A: Revolution CMO Doug Veliky

The chief financial officer turned chief marketing officer at Chicago’s Revolution Brewing, known for dabbling in hot takes via his humorous social-media presence @beeraficionado, offers his perspective on the trends facing craft beer in 2023.

The Beer Ticker: Industry News & Notes, IPA Is Dead Edition

From retail woes to baby cans of grownup beer, here are some recent news and announcements from around the industry.

Infographic: Packaging Trends

Consumer preference around packaging format is a moving target. Here, we visualize packaging on a global scale as well as recent movement in consumer trends in the United States.

Ball Postpones Can Disruptions Through February

The aluminum can manufacturer has agreed to delay until March 1 policy changes that disproportionately affect smaller, independent breweries.

Beyond the Ball Announcement: Getting Past the Can Crunch’s Latest Twist

Ball’s new minimum orders and higher prices have left independent brewers scrambling. Besides higher costs industry-wide, likely knock-on effects include streamlined SKUs, a return to labeling and shrink sleeves, and a boom in digital can printing.

American Real Ale: What Condition Cask Condition Is In

Does slow, subtle cask ale still have a place in today’s variety-driven, can-cluttered American scene? Along with a primer on the gear and vocabulary, here’s why this is an endangered tradition this side of the Atlantic—and why it refuses to die.

Best in Beer 2021 Readers’ Choice: Favorite Packages & Styles

We like to think that Craft Beer & Brewing readers are often ahead of the trends. So what are their favorite packages and styles to drink right now? Our annual Readers’ Choice poll offers a glimpse.

Industry All Access Exclusive

How to Keep Ahead of the Crunch on Cans

Even as the shortage of aluminum cans gradually eases, supply-chain issues are wreaking havoc on price and availability. Here are specific tips for making sure you have the packaging you need, when you need it.

Industry All Access Exclusive

Rising Costs: Strategies to Save on Packaging

As prices increase on everything from PakTech carriers to cardboard, here’s how breweries are thinking creatively—and sustainably—to reduce costs.